This week’s speaker was Jason McCartney, M.P. for Colne Valley. He gave a
wide-ranging and well received presentation, working without notes . He
covered his previous careers as a commissioned officer in the R.A.F. serving in
many countries and his time as a broadcast journalist for both B.B.C. and I.T.V.
Yorkshire. He had reported many important stories include the local instigators
of 7/7 bombing and the murder of Sharon Beshenivsky.
He related his time in Parliament – first elected in 2010, losing in 2017 and
returning in 2019. He talked about many issues in his presentation and in
replies to questions. His appointment as delegate to the N.A.T.O assembly, his
time with David Cameron, his loyalty to Huddersfield Town, how his view
changed to support a form of National Service, were all mentioned. He talked
about the strength and international reach of successful local businesses, and
their importance to the area. He also proposed a dual council solution to the
‘poor performance’ of Kirklees.