Today’s speaker was Tim Foreman on the subject of “Going it Alone”. Tim detailed his rise through the corporate world of sales and marketing to the point of being made redundant. He realised that he had the ability and experience to set up in his own business offering a consultancy service to his pervious corporate world.
His recent visit to New Zealand was like “stepping back in time 20 years”. He was bamboozled by the pronunciation of the language – he gave the example of “aiggs” (translates as eggs).
He has worked in a variety of organisations from insurance companies, large banks, Chequers and the prison and probation services.
He has also advised organisations on the consequences of the PPI scandal and the problem of endowment mortgages.
The downsides of working for yourself – no holidays (no work, no pay), being your own HR, IT security, finance officer, supplies coordinator. All the jobs that in the corporate world and done by somebody else. He remembered the letter from HRMC – panic! Had he filled in his tax return wrongly and owed them 1,000s, was he going to lose everything. Turned out that he had overpaid his tax and was due a rebate.
He still worries about whether there is another job coming and where from.